Shake Organic Nose Balm


Shake Organic Nose Balm – Made with organic coconut oil, organic beeswax and organic plant extracts to gently heal and protect noses. Naturally prevents sore noses. Relieves Nasodigital Hyperkeratosis, bacterial and fungal nose infections.

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Shake Organic Nose Balm 1.5 fl. oz. – 100% Organic Nose Balm For Dogs & Cats – Naturally heal dry, sore, itchy noses with Organic Nose Balm. Maintains healthy noses and brings back shine. Also protects your pets nose against sun exposure. Made with organic coconut oil, organic beeswax and organic plant extracts to gently heal and protect noses. Naturally prevents sore noses. Relieves Nasodigital Hyperkeratosis, bacterial and fungal nose infections. Maintains health & shine. Unscented per your dog’s preference. Provides SPF protection. Non-toxic & lick-safe. Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic.

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