Welcome to Portsmouth’s Original Store for Dogs! Celebrating our 24th Year!

Winter Hours:

Sunday 12-5pm


Tuesday – Friday 12-6pm

Saturday 11-7pm

Shop online today! We have many of the great items you will find in our store ready to be shipped right to your doorstep. It’s easy, just go to the “Shop Online” button on the top right of this page. Free Shipping on all orders over $75. Thank you!

Take a virtual tour of our store:

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Winter 2025!

Winter in New England offers a lot to do with your dogs! Whether you are outside hiking in the woods, short walks through the neighborhood or hunkering down on a cold snowy day, we have the supplies you need to keep your dogs warm, safe and engaged. Great winter coats & sweaters, paw protection, interactive games & toys and of course those popular No-Hide chews to chase away the winter blues. You know us, we’ve been at this for 24 years and we always carry quality, Made in the USA, local products at really, really reasonable prices! Spread the word, this is THE place to do all your pets shopping.

Save a Life. Adopt. Don’t Shop!  Thank you for shopping and visiting our store, whether in person or online. Your support is the reason we are Portsmouth’s Original Store for Dogs! for 24 years.

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